We are happy to announce that Johan Finsteen Gjødvad from Sigicom will open and attend the Latin American Blasting Technology Symposium ISEE in Brazil on September 1-2 2022.
Johan has over 12 years of experience in environmental impacts, such as vibrations, noise, and dust, and has since 2018 been working as a Strategic Partnership Manager at Sigicom. Johan is among others also a director in ISEE and a member of the EFEE board and environmental committee.
At the Latina American ISEE Johan will open the conference with a greeting from ISEE and EFEE. Furthermore, he will have a presentation on the historical development of vibration monitoring connected to blasting and an EFEE project comparing international vibration standards connected to blasting as well as a typical example of state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, such as Sigicom’s INFRA C22 Vibration Monitor.
ISEE promotes the second Latin American Blasting Technology Symposium aimed at the integration, updating and networking of professionals in the mining and construction sector in Latin America.
Brazil and a large part of the continent, will have large mining projects that require intensive use of explosives, in addition to thousands of opportunities in infrastructure works.
Read more about ISEE and register here: