Knowledge based
Sigicom’s Strategic Partnership Manager joins ISEE board of directors
At the 46thannual ISEE world conference in Denver Johan Finsteen Gjødvad was appointed to the board of directors.
Johan holds a M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the Danish University of Technology (DTU) as well as a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (GDBA) Management and Organization from Copenhagen Business School.
Over the past 15 years, Johan has gained a wealth of field experience from around Europe and other parts of the world. As a consultant, he worked extensively with environmental impacts such as vibration, noise and dust from various sources including blasting during civil works and demolition using explosives.
He also worked with demining as well as physical protection from blasting, and held courses related to noise and vibration monitoring during blasting. In recent years, Johan has contributed to Sigicom’s international expansion, both in the company’s traditional base of blasting and in other areas where environmental monitoring is of importance.
Since 2006 Johan is part of the Danish Federation of Explosives Engineers (DFEE) and is presently vice-president of that organization. In 2007 he became the Danish envoy to EFEE and is since 2009 member of the Board. In EFEE he has been chairman of the environmental, marketing and membership committees, Vice-president (2011–2014), and President
(2014–2016). During the 10th EFEE World Conference on Explosives and Blasting Johan was part of the Technical Committee. Today he is a member of the EFEE Board with special focus on environmental issues.
On joining the ISEE board of directors Johan FinsteenGjødvad says:
It is an honor to be part of the ISEE board. I have great respect for the achievements of ISEE to date, and I do look forward to participating in the further development of this global teamwork. We all strive for business efficiency and safety as well as positive business and public relations. Industry views on environmental issues may vary in different parts of the world, and ISEE is a great forum to share ideas of knowledge based on experience and innovation. As Strategic Partnership Manager at Sigicom I am frequently being challenged to bridge the unavoidable conflicts of interests between project owners and people in the immediate environment.
In the early years Sigicom, then a small Swedish family business, mainly developed and delivered innovative monitoring equipment for blasting and other applications. Based on deep industry insights, the company has evolved into an industry leader in all-digital measuring and monitoring solutions.
In ISEE Johan will co-chair the ISEE standards committee as well as the international committee. This is based on his work as a consultant, connection to the business and not the least his continued connection and involvement in EFEE.
Established in the USA more than 40 years ago, the International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) is the world’s largest organization for professional explosives engineers. The aim is essentially threefold: to serve society with specialized knowledge, to educate policymakers, and to promote the professional qualifications of explosives engineers and practitioners. Today, the organization has more than 4,000 members in 90 countries worldwide.