New Release: Academy – Online Support Center
Academy is the newest resource in support of our INFRA System. It is continuously updated, free, and always available. If you need personal assistance, our Support staff is still here to assist you.
Academy provides access to:
- User Guides for the INFRA System
- QuickStart installation for devices
- Blueprint to the functions of INFRA Net
- Library of manuals, datasheets, technical notes, and other documents
- FAQ’s
- The latest news and updates
- … and much more!
Nedim Piric, Manager Product Management at Sigicom, about the benefits Academy will bring:
– Many companies and competitors mistakenly view customer service as a cost center. We know that when our customer’s monitoring systems works effortlessly, and we assist them to achieve that, then they can scale their business and we can grow together with them.
In our strive for exceptional customer service, Academy is a step towards giving the highest level of support to all our users. It will be free and the information around our system will be available 24/7. I believe Academy is a good complement to a stronger foundation of great service.
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact your local sales representative or send an email to sales@sigicom.com